本文共 19473 字,大约阅读时间需要 64 分钟。
当你添加Asp.net AJAX功能到你的Web程序的时候,你需要在Web.config中做一些改变,需要你显式地移除默认的ASMX处理程序并且添加asp.net ajax框架自己的脚本处理器来作为ASMX处理程序。在上一篇中,我们谈论过,ajax框架的asmx(ScriptHandler)是不支持异步调用Web服务方法的,所以为了让asp.netajax支持异步Web方法调用,我们需要避开该处理器,以提供自定义的处理器来取代它。
1、 通过检查Content-Type来确认这是一个基于Ajax的Web方法调用,并查看它是否有application/json的属性。如果没有,则激活一个异常。
2、 通过解析请求的URL找出哪个.asmx被调用,返回.asmx文件类型且被编译过的程序集。
3、 反射程序集并找出Web服务和被调用的Web方法
4、 反序列化输入参数到适当的数据类型中,以防Http POST反序列化JSON图表
5、 查看方法中的参数并映射每个参数到JSON反序列化的对象上
6、 初始化缓存策略
7、 通过反射调用方法并且传递与JSON匹配的参数值
8、 获取返回值。序列化返回值到JSON/XML
9、 发射JSON/XML作为响应
首先你需要一个Http处理程序,它将拦截所有对Web服务的调用。在Web.config的<httphandlers>节点下你需要映射该处理程序到*.asmx来进行扩展。默认情况下,asp.net ajax将映射到ScriptHandler来处理*.asmx扩展名类型的文件,因此需要用你自己的Http处理程序来取代它。
IAsyncResult IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData) { // Proper Content-Type header must be present in order to make a REST call if (!IsRestMethodCall(context.Request)) { return GenerateErrorResponse(context, "Not a valid REST call", extraData); } string methodName = context.Request.PathInfo.Substring(1); WebServiceDef wsDef = WebServiceHelper.GetWebServiceType(context, context.Request.FilePath); WebMethodDef methodDef = wsDef.Methods[methodName]; if (null == methodDef) return GenerateErrorResponse(context, "Web method not supported: " + methodName, extraData); // GET request will only be allowed if the method says so if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET" && !methodDef.IsGetAllowed) return GenerateErrorResponse(context, "Http Get method not supported", extraData); context.Response.Filter = new ResponseFilter(context.Response); // If the method does not have a BeginXXX and EndXXX pair, execute it synchronously if (!methodDef.HasAsyncMethods) {
WebServiceDef类对Type类进行了包装,同时还包含Web服务类型的一些信息。它维护了WebMethodDef类的集合项,其中每项都包含对某个Web方法的定义。WebMethodDef类为每个方法,与方法相关的特性、是否支持Http GET方式以及如果可能,对Begin和End方法对的引用都提供了一个名称。如果没有Begin和End方法对,该方法会如下例代码所示,以同步方式执行。所有的这些类都作为Web服务和Web方法进行缓存处理,因此不需要重复使用反射查看元数据。
// If the method does not have a BeginXXX and EndXXX pair, execute it synchronously if (!methodDef.HasAsyncMethods) { // Do synchronous call ExecuteMethod(context, methodDef, wsDef); // Return a result that says method was executed synchronously return new AsmxHandlerSyncResult(extraData); }
public class AsmxHandlerSyncResult : IAsyncResult { #region Fields private WaitHandle handle = new ManualResetEvent(true); private object state; #endregion Fields #region Constructors public AsmxHandlerSyncResult(object state) { this.state = state; } #endregion Constructors #region Properties object IAsyncResult.AsyncState { get { return this.state; } } WaitHandle IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle { get { return this.handle; } } bool IAsyncResult.CompletedSynchronously { get { return true; } } bool IAsyncResult.IsCompleted { get { return true; } } #endregion Properties }
else { // Call the Begin method of web service IDisposable target = Activator.CreateInstance(wsDef.WSType) as IDisposable; WebMethodDef beginMethod = methodDef.BeginMethod; int allParameterCount = beginMethod.InputParametersWithAsyc.Count; IDictionaryinputValues = GetRawParams(context, beginMethod.InputParameters, wsDef.Serializer); object[] parameterValues = StrongTypeParameters(inputValues, beginMethod.InputParameters); // Prepare the list of parameter values which will also include the AsyncCallback and the state object[] parameterValuesWithAsync = new object[allParameterCount]; Array.Copy(parameterValues, parameterValuesWithAsync, parameterValues.Length); // Populate last two parameters with async callback and state parameterValuesWithAsync[allParameterCount - 2] = cb; AsyncWebMethodState webMethodState = new AsyncWebMethodState(methodName, target, wsDef, methodDef, context, extraData); parameterValuesWithAsync[allParameterCount - 1] = webMethodState;
try { // Invoke the BeginXXX method and ensure the return result has AsyncWebMethodState. This state // contains context and other information which we need in oreder to call the EndXXX IAsyncResult result = beginMethod.MethodType.Invoke(target, parameterValuesWithAsync) as IAsyncResult; // If execution has completed synchronously within the BeginXXX function, then generate response // immediately. There's no need to call EndXXX if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { object returnValue = result.AsyncState; GenerateResponse(returnValue, context, methodDef, wsDef); target.Dispose(); return new AsmxHandlerSyncResult(extraData); } else { if (result.AsyncState is AsyncWebMethodState) return result; else throw new InvalidAsynchronousStateException("The state passed in the " + beginMethod.MethodName + " must inherit from " + typeof(AsyncWebMethodState).FullName); } } catch (Exception x) { target.Dispose(); WebServiceHelper.WriteExceptionJsonString(context, x, wsDef.Serializer); return new AsmxHandlerSyncResult(extraData); }
void IHttpAsyncHandler.EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result) { if (result.CompletedSynchronously) return; AsyncWebMethodState state = result.AsyncState as AsyncWebMethodState; if (result.IsCompleted) { MethodInfo endMethod = state.MethodDef.EndMethod.MethodType; try { object returnValue = endMethod.Invoke(state.Target, new object[] { result }); GenerateResponse(returnValue, state.Context, state.MethodDef, state.ServiceDef); } catch (Exception x) { WebServiceHelper.WriteExceptionJsonString(state.Context, x, state.ServiceDef.Serializer); } finally { state.Target.Dispose(); } state.Dispose(); } }
private void GenerateResponse(object returnValue, HttpContext context, WebMethodDef methodDef, WebServiceDef serviceDef) { if (context.Response.Filter.Length > 0) { // Response has already been transmitted by the WebMethod. // So, do nothing return; } string responseString = null; string contentType = "application/json"; if (methodDef.ResponseFormat == System.Web.Script.Services.ResponseFormat.Json) { responseString = "{ d : (" + serviceDef.Serializer.Serialize(returnValue) + ")}"; contentType = "application/json"; } else if (methodDef.ResponseFormat == System.Web.Script.Services.ResponseFormat.Xml) { responseString = returnValue as string; contentType = "text/xml"; } context.Response.ContentType = contentType; // If we have response and no redirection happening and client still connected, send response if (responseString != null && !context.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected && context.Response.IsClientConnected) {
// Convert the response to response encoding, e.g. utf8 byte[] unicodeBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(responseString); byte[] utf8Bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, context.Response.ContentEncoding, unicodeBytes); // Emit content length in UTF8 encoding string context.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", utf8Bytes.Length.ToString()); // Instead of Response.Write which will convert the output to UTF8, use the internal stream // to directly write the utf8 bytes context.Response.OutputStream.Write(utf8Bytes, 0, utf8Bytes.Length); } else { // Send no body as response and we will just abort it context.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", "0"); context.Response.ClearContent(); context.Response.StatusCode = 204; // No Content } }
带有TransactionalMethod特性的Web方法将在事务块中自动执行。这里我们将使用.net 2.0事务。事务管理完全在HTTP处理程序中执行并且Web方法并不需要做过多事情。当Web方法遇到异常的时候,事务会自动回滚;否则,事务将自动提交。
private void ExecuteMethod(HttpContext context, WebMethodDef methodDef, WebServiceDef serviceDef) { IDictionaryinputValues = GetRawParams(context, methodDef.InputParameters, serviceDef.Serializer); object[] parameters = StrongTypeParameters(inputValues, methodDef.InputParameters); object returnValue = null; using (IDisposable target = Activator.CreateInstance(serviceDef.WSType) as IDisposable) { TransactionScope ts = null; try { // If the method has a transaction attribute, then call the method within a transaction scope if (methodDef.TransactionAtt != null) { TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = methodDef.TransactionAtt.IsolationLevel; options.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( methodDef.TransactionAtt.Timeout ); ts = new TransactionScope(methodDef.TransactionAtt.TransactionOption, options); } returnValue = methodDef.MethodType.Invoke(target, parameters); // If transaction was used, then complete the transaction because no exception was // generated if( null != ts ) ts.Complete(); GenerateResponse(returnValue, context, methodDef, serviceDef); } catch (Exception x) { WebServiceHelper.WriteExceptionJsonString(context, x, serviceDef.Serializer); } finally { // If transaction was started for the method, dispose the transaction. This will // rollback if not committed if( null != ts) ts.Dispose(); // Dispose the web service target.Dispose(); } } }
catch (Exception x) { WebServiceHelper.WriteExceptionJsonString(context, x, serviceDef.Serializer); } finally { // If transaction was started for the method, dispose the transaction. This will // rollback if not committed if( null != ts) ts.Dispose(); // Dispose the web service target.Dispose(); }
Asp.net Ajax框架在调用Web方法之前会进行缓存策略初始化操作。如果你没有在[WebMethod]属性中设置缓存持续时间,那么它将把MaxAge设置为零。一旦MaxAge被设置为零,就不能再对它增加。因此,为了从浏览器端获取缓存响应,你不能动态地从你的Web方法代码中增加MaxAge的值。而由于HttpCachePolicy的限制,一旦设定MaxAge的值,就不能再对它进行增加。此外,如果你使用Http检测工具来查看从Web服务调用返回的响应,你将会看到该响应丢失了Content-Length特性。没有该特性,浏览器不能使用Http管道,这将很大滴提升Http响应的下载时间。
// If we have response and no redirection happening and client still connected, send response if (responseString != null && !context.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected && context.Response.IsClientConnected) { // Produce proper cache. If no cache information specified on method and there's been no cache related // changes done within the web method code, then default cache will be private, no cache. if (IsCacheSet(context.Response) || methodDef.IsETagEnabled) { // Cache has been modified within the code. So, do not change any cache policy } else { // Cache is still private. Check if there's any CacheDuration set in WebMethod int cacheDuration = methodDef.WebMethodAtt.CacheDuration; if (cacheDuration > 0) { // If CacheDuration attribute is set, use server side caching context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Server); context.Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(cacheDuration)); context.Response.Cache.SetSlidingExpiration(false); context.Response.Cache.SetValidUntilExpires(true); if (methodDef.InputParameters.Count > 0) { context.Response.Cache.VaryByParams["*"] = true; } else { context.Response.Cache.VaryByParams.IgnoreParams = true; } } else { context.Response.Cache.SetNoServerCaching(); context.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(TimeSpan.Zero); } } // Check if there's any need to do ETag match. If ETag matches, produce HTTP 304, otherwise // render the content along with the ETag if (methodDef.IsETagEnabled) { string etag = context.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"]; string hash = GetMd5Hash(responseString); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(etag)) { if (string.Compare(hash, etag, true) == 0) { // Send no body as response and we will just abort it context.Response.ClearContent(); context.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", "0"); context.Response.SuppressContent = true; context.Response.StatusCode = 304; // No need to produce output response body return; } } // ETag comparison did not happen or comparison did not match. So, we need to produce new ETag HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.AppendCacheExtension("must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate"); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetETag(hash); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cache.SetLastModified(DateTime.Now); int cacheDuration = methodDef.WebMethodAtt.CacheDuration; if (cacheDuration > 0) { context.Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(cacheDuration)); context.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cacheDuration)); } else { context.Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); } } // Convert the response to response encoding, e.g. utf8 byte[] unicodeBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(responseString); byte[] utf8Bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, context.Response.ContentEncoding, unicodeBytes); // Emit content length in UTF8 encoding string context.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", utf8Bytes.Length.ToString()); // Instead of Response.Write which will convert the output to UTF8, use the internal stream // to directly write the utf8 bytes context.Response.OutputStream.Write(utf8Bytes, 0, utf8Bytes.Length); }
private bool IsCacheSet(HttpResponse response) { if (response.CacheControl == "public") return true; FieldInfo maxAgeField = response.Cache.GetType().GetField("_maxAge", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); TimeSpan maxAgeValue = (TimeSpan)maxAgeField.GetValue(response.Cache); if (maxAgeValue != TimeSpan.Zero) return true; return false; }使用
原文发布时间为:2011-12-04 本文作者:vinoYang 本文来自云栖社区合作伙伴,了解相关信息可以关注CSDN博客。